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Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts

Page history last edited by bethany 16 years, 3 months ago

Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts

Instructor Guide



There are many excellent podcasts already available on the Internet that you can integrate  into your classroom activities.  So, an excellent introduction to podcasting is to learn how to find and subscribe to those podcasts and then use them in meaningful ways in your courses.



In this workshop you will:

  • discover where to find great podcasts,
  • learn how to subscribe to podcasts and make them available for classroom use, and
  • discuss how to integrate podcasts into your classroom curriculum, and
  • create a lesson that integrates a found podcast.


Here are some excellent podcasts to get you started.  Just click on a title to go to that post/podcast.


Google Gadget error



Workshop Agenda



  • Share podcasting experiences, knowledge
  • Share some favored podcasts
  • Podcasting Defined = multimedia files that are placed on the Internet in a way that allows people to 'subscribe' to those files and receive updates to their computer when new files are posted. Files can be audio, video, text, or a combination. See wikipedia entry on podcasting for more details.


Quickstart to Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts

To subscribe to podcasts, you need a podcatcher (software that lets you subscribe to and manage your podcasts)! If you plan to use a portable media player like an iPod or Zune to listen to the podcasts you subscribe to, then select either iTunes (for the iPod) or Zune (for the Zune). If you only wish to listen to podcasts on your computer, than any of the these three QuickStarts will work for you.

  • QuickStart Guide for iTunes Media Player - can be used by Mac or Windows OS to subscribe and listen to podcasts on your computer; required for those using iPod portable media devices
  • QuickStart Guide for Zune Media Player - can only be used on Windows OS (Windows XP or Vista) computers; required if you'll be using a Zune portable media device.
  • QuickStart Guide for Google Reader - for those of you who already use Google Reader and who don't intend to sync your podcasts to a portable media player (e.g. iPod or Zune device), you might find that Google Reader meets most if not all of your podcasting needs!


Finding Podcasts

Podcasts can be found all over the Internet. Of course, the iTunes Store and Zune Marketplace are two great places to start, but chances are that your favorite content sites (e.g. Discovery) or even textbook web sites will also have some great podcasts.  In this activity, you'll spend some time find a few great podcasts so that in a later activity, you have something to work with when you create a lesson around a podcast!


Integration Ideas

Chances are that textbooks are one of your curriculum sources and you're already an expert at integrating that resource into your classroom activities.  Using podcasts is really no different! So, get ready to brainstorm some ideas.


Share Your Ideas

Now that you've come up with a lesson plan, share it with the rest of the group and get feedback! Be sure to take notes on your lesson plan so you can further refine it.




Post-Workshop Extension / Bridging Activities

You've now devoted several hours to learning how to find and subscribe to podcasts. Chances are, you've learned a lot along the way.  But, you know the old addage "use it or lose it!" Share your learning with the world (or at least your classroom) and you'll be well on your way to becoming an expert.  Here are a few suggested activities to help you deepen and stengthen your learning.


Introduce Podcasts to Your Students

  • Activity 1: Help your students find podcasts that interest them. Feel free to use the resources in this workshop to help you!
  • Activity 2: Use a found podcast for a teaching activity. Implement that lesson plan you created during the workshop.


Share Your Experiences

There are many teachers out there who could benefit from what you've learned today. And, undoubtedly, there are still a few things you'd like to learn.  Joining and participating in learning communities will help you address both of these.

  • Activity 1: Contribute to our professional learning community. Tell us about your experiences implementing your podcast lesson in the classroom, share great new podcasts you've found, ask questions - anything to get some discussion and sharing started!
  • Activity 2: Contribute to other professional learning communities.

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