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Video podcasts, vodcasts, are excellent tools for classrooms and they are not the much more difficult to do than audio podcasts. :) You'll have a great time in this workshop learning how to create and use vodcasts for teaching and learning.
By the end of this workhop, you will:
be able to create a video podcast,
understand how to integrate video podcasts into your classes, and
create a lesson using video podcasts
RETA Podcasting Workshop Video Podcasts
By becoming a member of the RETA Podcasting Blog, you can contribute to these podcasts!
This player will show all the audio and video podcasts posted to the RETA Podcasting Blog; however, it will only play the video podcasts. Just hover your mouse over the player to see the controls and use the 'next' and 'back' buttons to cycle through the podcasts to find video podcasts.
Workshop Agenda
Activity 1: Let's do a little follow up on the Creating Audio Podcasts workshop: Did you create any audio podcasts? Did you have any challenges or successes with audio podcasting that you'd like to share? Do you have any questions that need addressing before me move on to video podcasting?
Activity 2: Let's chat about what you know about video podcasting - what is it? how do you do it? why would you want to do video podcasting?
QuickStart to Video Podcasting (Vodcasting)
For the most part, video podcasting is just like audio podcasting only you use video files instead of audio files. That means, if you already set up blogger for audio podcasting, you're set to do video podcasting!
Activity 1: Brainstorm ideas for how you might use vodcasting in your classes.
Activity 2: Create a lesson plan that either uses a vodcast as part of the course materials or that has students creating a vodcast to demonstrate their learning.
Activity 3: (optional) Create the vodcast you will be using in your lesson.
Sharing Your Experiences
That was a lot of work! Undoubtedly, you learned a lot and came up with some great ideas for vodcasting in your classrooms. So, now it's time to share!
Post-Workshop Extension / Bridging Activities
One of the most challenging aspects of podcasting (audio or video) is figuring out how to do it in the classroom. There's all manner of issues that can crop up - from how to vodcast in the one computer classroom to how to manage and assess all the student work. So, give it a shot. At the very least, you'll have fun with your students even if the lesson doesn't work out as planned. Then, let others know how it went so you can get feedback. It's an excellent way to expand your knowledge and skills.
Classroom Experiments
Activity 1: Implement the lesson you created in this workshop and get feedback from the students.
Activity 2: Teach your students how to create a vodcast and let them post the results to your class blog you've set up for podcasting.
Community Share
Activity 1: Post a vodcast to the RETA Podcasting Blog. It could be a video screencast demonstrating a great podcast tool or it could be a video of you telling us what you're going to do with vodcasting in your classroom or it could even be you showing us the process or product of your classroom vodcasting experiment.
Activity 2: Share your experiences on one of the other podcasting blogs listed in the resources section on the right.
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