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Creating Audio Podcasts

Page history last edited by bethany 16 years, 3 months ago

Creating Audio Podcasts

Instructor Guide



Audio podcasts provide a unique opportunity for you and your students to make your voices heard. There are many ways to create and use podcasts in your classes and this workshop will introduce you to several of them.



By the end of this workshop you will:

  • understand the basic 'techie' aspects of podcasting
  • be able to create an audio podcast using one or more of the following:
    • Blogger +Audacity
    • GCast (with or without Audacity)
  • discover many examples of how to use podcasting in your classes
  • create a lesson that involves audio podcasting

RETA Podcasting Workshop Podcasts

These podcasts are from our blog. You can contribute to this podcast! This widget will show all the audio and video podcasts from the RETA Podcasting Blog; however, it will only play the audio podcasts. If you click on an entry and it doesn't play, it's probably a video podcast.



These podcasts are from our GCast podcast. You can contribute to these - just ask your instructor how.

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Workshop Agenda



  • Activity 1: Hopefully, after the workshop Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts, you went back to your school and tried to do something with that information in your classroom!  Let's talk about it: How was your experience? Did you encounter any successes or challenges? What did you learn?
  • Activity 2: Let's talk about what you know about creating and publishing audio podcasts as an introduction to this workshop. 


QuickStart to Audio Podcasting

There are a number of ways to create audio podcasts. In this lesson, you will  be introduced to two easy methods so you can choose the method that works best for you and your needs. Please note: the Produce and Publish activity assumes that you completed these activities. By completing these activities, you will have your Blogger or GCast accounts properly set up to publish your podcast.

  • Activity 1: QuickStart Guide to Podcasting with Blogger - a few more steps than podcasting with GCast, but if you want a blog with your podcast or you plan on doing audio and video podcasts, this is the way to go!
  • Activity 2: QuickStart Guide to Podcasting with GCast - easy podcasting in just a few steps. If you want just a podcast and don't care about a blog or about video podcasting, then this is the podcasting tool for you.


Plan Your Podcast

Now that you know of a few tools you could use to create your podcasts, it's time to start planning your big production! The activities in this lesson will help you plan your podcast, gather the necessary equipment and files, and script out what you want to say.


Produce and Publish Your Podcast

This activity will help you produce your podcast. You can use whichever tool that you felt most comfortable with and that provides the features you need for the podcast you wish to create. Please note: this activity assumes you completed the QuickStart activities for GCast / Blogger so that your GCast or Blogger account is set up properly to publish your podcast. This is particular important if you are using Blogger!


Share Your Podcast

Let others hear what you've created, give you feedback, and help you improve your podcasting style and skills!


Post-Workshop Extension / Bridging Activities

Make your learning come to life by applying it in your classroom and sharing your experiences with others. These suggested activities will help you.


Podcasting in Your Classroom

  • Activity 1: Use the podcast you created in a classroom lesson and get feedback from your students.
  • Activity 2: Help your students create their own podcasts using the resources in this workshop. See this example lesson plan or these lessons plans for ideas.


Extend Your Learning

  • Activity 1: Contribute to our professional learning community. Tell us about your experiences implementing your podcast lesson in the classroom - what did you do, what went right, what could have gone better, what you would do differently - anything that helps you reflect on your experiences and/or provides useful information for others who want to follow in your foot steps.
  • Activity 2:  Check out one or more of the sites listed on the right under Resources on the Web to learn more about podcasting tools, techniques, and integration strategies.

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